Google glass photography is here!

| August 20, 2013


It has been an aggressive debate about the functionality of Google glass since it was released.

For now, let’s put the arguments aside and look at the beauty of it (when used right): capturing the grace of our everyday lives.

Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci_glass), the Emmy award-winning multimedia producer, photojournalist and professor of New Media, said he finally feels like his eye is a camera.

I can’t wait to show you some of his best shots! (my pick, of course)


這帥氣的貓”高”傲的凝視著我. 好害羞!


Google glass 自發佈以來都備受爭議, 但到底它可以拍出什麼樣的作品來呢?

無論你怎麼想, 攝影師 Richard Koci Hernandez (@koci_glass) 是愛死它了.

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Category: Art Design, Featured, Whats Hot, 攝Photo, 藝Art

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