Anne Hathaway 的時尚吊腕帶….潮爆!

| June 5, 2012


通常當女明星手臂受傷使用吊腕帶時,造型無疑都會令人感到枯燥乏味。但是Anne Hathway 並沒有打算要她受傷的右臂影響到她時尚界女王的地位。上週日,當Anne Hathway在紐約市散步時,她富有創意的用花色圖案的圍巾將右臂包了起來,並且搭配了一頂大寬邊帽和一副酷酷的遮陽鏡令她受傷時候的造型一樣潮到爆表。

Anne Hathaway has obviously decided not to let an injured right arm keep her from being fashionable.

While the actress was spotted last week sporting a cast, the sling she was using felt a wee bit bland.

Well, fast-forward to this past Sunday, when Hathaway stepped out with her fiancé Adam Shulman in New York City.

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Category: Fashion時尚, 潮Women, 穿Apparel

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