
| March 21, 2012


Episode 2

“Crazy, Modern Love Story, episode 2 is now live! Check out what adventures are in store for Mike and Cici! Last time we saw the two, they seemed amicable towards one another despite their past shenanigans. Now let’s see what’s in store in episode 2!”


美味情緣大作戰第二集精彩上演!在第一集我們看到Mike和Cici解除誤會並對彼此冒出愛的火花; 在第二集中他們將會遇到怎樣的奇遇,關係是否有進一步的發展?


The Story

Much like the rest of us, this tale involves two individuals who are trying to find their way through life, working their way up the corporate ladder and just enjoying life as single, successful twenty-somethings. Join Lee Kum Kee on a trip to witness the birth of a couple from how they meet all the way until the end. Every two months Lee Kum Kee will release a short film that captures a glimpse of this couples life. From courting, to marriage to parenting, we will grow with this couple and see how eating well prepared, tasty meals are a part of everyday life and even in the most important moments of our lives. We’re sure to see some unconventional, wacky things as this couple goes from enemies to husband and wife, hence the name, “Crazy, Modern Love Story.”

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Category: Featured, LifeStyle生活, 廚Cooking

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