藝Art: 中國文字蘊含的意義 Philosophy words

| August 11, 2011

Guoyenew04《行路難》 行路難,行路難,不在水,不在山,在於人情反復間。

<<Xing Lu Nan >>: It means staggered walking. The life looks as though one is walking, that’s very difficult.

Guoyenew11《樂觀》 樂觀造就卓絕,悲觀産生平庸。

<<Le Guan>>: It means optimism. Optimism can create eminence, pessimist can create mediocrity.

Guoyenew16《幸福》 當你身遭痛苦時,請從痛苦中挖掘幸福。當你奮力追求幸福時,請準備來承受痛苦。

<<Xing Fu>>: It means happiness. When you are suffering, you had better to look for happiness from affliction. When you are try your best to go after happiness, you had better to bear affliction.

Guoyenew17《返樸歸真》 當一個人返樸歸真童心復蘇時,他便能品嘗到人生情趣的至醇至美。

<<Fan Pu Gui Zhen>>: It means when one return to the natural and has a kind of innocent mind of a child, he can taste the joy of life.


《龍》 中華民族是條龍, 龍頭就是老祖宗。

<<Long>>: It means dragon. The chinese national is a dragon, the dragon head is our old ancestor.

Guoyenew26《龍》 中華民族是條龍, 龍頭就是老祖宗。

<<Long>>: It means dragon. The chinese national is a dragon, the dragon head is our old ancestor.

Guoyenew27《鷹》 鷹擊長空。

<<Ying>>: It means hawk. The hawk fly to the high sky.



Those words on the stone tablet can’t exist forever, but noble spirit is exist forever.

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