藝Art: 中國文字蘊含的意義 Philosophy words
《寬容》 寬容就是在狹路相逢時,把平坦的一邊讓給別人走。
<<Kuan Rong>>: It means indulgently. When people meet on the narrow road, he can choose the flat road to others.
《朋友》 當我失意的時候,我認識了朋友。當我得意的時候,朋友認識了我。
<<Peng You>>: It means friend. When I am pessimistic, I know my friend. When I am exalted, my friend know me.
《幽默》 幽默使人愉悅,我喜歡的幽默是能使我發笑五秒鐘,而沈思十分鐘的那一種。
<<You Mo>>: It means humour. It can make people joy. I like this kind of humour: it can make me laugh for five seconds and meditate for ten minutes.
《清高》 清高不是因爲優越,而是因爲優雅,優越産生的不是清高而是高傲。
<<Qing Gao>>: It means morally lofty. Loftiness is not advantage, but because of elegance. Advantage can create arrogance, not loftiness.
《信心》 當你在砍柴時,能感到爐邊的溫暖,那就是信心。
<<Xin Xin>>: It means confidence. When you cut firewood, you can feel warm near the fire, that is confidence.
《聰明》 聽別人說話,只信一半是精明,知道哪一半可信才是聰明。聰明的人不是一味追求快樂,而是竭力避免不愉快。
<<Cong Ming>>: It means intelligent. You hear the words what others said, only believe half, that’s clever. You know which half should believe, that’s intelligent. An intelligent man should be try his best to avoid displeasure, not be always in pursuit of happiness.
《遺憾》 不能給曾讓自己感動的人以感動,是人生最大的遺憾。
<<Yi Han>>: It means Pity. You can’t give the affect to person who can ever make you affected, it’s the biggest pity in your life.
《簡單是福》 心一旦煩亂,幸福和你無緣,人一旦複雜,快樂與你疏遠。
<< Jian Dan Shi Fu>>: It means simplicity is happiness. Once your heart feel fidget, the happiness will be leave you far away. Once one become complication, the happiness will be also estranged you.
Category: Art Design, 藝Art