電Gadget: HTC EVO 3D 智慧型手機

| March 29, 2011


Now your photos can have as much depth as the moment itself. HTC EVO 3D captures your photos and videos in 3D, plus you can view them without the glasses. The stunning 4.3-inch QHD display gives you crisp websites, vivid images and incredibly fluid videos.

電Gadget: HTC EVO 3D 智慧型手機

Now your photos can have as much depth as the moment itself. HTC EVO 3D captures your photos and videos in 3D, plus you can view them without the glasses. The stunning 4.3-inch QHD display gives you crisp websites, vivid images and incredibly fluid videos. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JSuD45mRl_o

嫌戴3D眼鏡太麻煩嗎? HTC發表了最新裸視3D技術的智慧型手機HTC EVO 3D哦!搭載500萬畫素雙攝影機(前鏡頭是130萬畫素、固定焦距),不僅可拍一般照片及Full HD影片,連3D格式也沒問題;而4.3 吋的QHD螢幕,勢必讓視覺的享受更大幅提升。另外,喜歡用手機打發無聊時間或看影片的朋友,此次還有新的HTC Watch影片隨選服務!也就是幾乎不需等待就可隨時從HD高畫質影片資料庫中挑選自己想看的電影,不曉得這些新功能對你有吸引力嗎?

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