藝Art: 東京幻想 TOKYO GENSO
Tokyo Genso is the site of an odd bleach-blonde bob wearing J-guy, passionate about stag beatles, moddish scooters, and apocalypse art. His site is a straight-up blog occasionally featuring his often excellent art, occasionally describing his destructing technique, and show-casing his work in magazines like ‘Liberal Time’ and at otaku conventions. He takes photos of around Tokyo and via Photoshop kills all the people and ages the city through various natural disasters.
日本藝術家 Tokyo Genso的創作,描繪出想像中末日後的東京。代代木車站、東京彩虹橋、 羽田機場、渋谷109(SHIBUYA109)等地一眼望去儘是廢墟,到處也都是荒煙漫草,充滿驚奇與創意的作品!
Category: Art Design, 藝Art