藝Art: 12 generals by Yoriko Yoshida 吉田依子的12生肖盔甲藝術
Inspired by 12 animals, Yoriko Yoshida, an inventive Japanese illustrator, has made 12 pieces of body armour. These unique body armours were endowed with Japanese culture, Chinese culture and more, and was exhibited at Nakameguro-lounge in Japan this April. We have collected the pictures of them below, enjoy!
日本當代藝術家吉田依子(Yoriko Yoshida),她的創作總是融入不少中國與日本文化於其中,有時也可以發現其他亞洲文化的影子。像她今年所舉辦的「12 generals」個展,就以傳統的12生肖為主題,結合霸氣的盔甲創意,呈現出一系列富含視覺效果的作品。仔細看看,她的12 generals是不是與車田正美著作《聖鬥士星矢》中的聖衣概念有點像呢?
Category: Art Design, 藝Art