攝photo: 雨中即景 by Navid Baraty

| September 7, 2010


New York-based photographer Navid Baraty has a series of incredibly beautiful rain photographs made in San Francisco and Japan. We first came across the photograph above, titled “Rain Dance”, in Pictory’s “San Francisco” showcase. It was taken in San Francisco’s Union Square with a Nikon D700. There’s just something about the composition and lighting that blew us away.

2009年,位於英國的WonderPick Gallery為了讓世界各地優秀攝影作品能有更多曝光機會,並登上國際舞台,於是首度舉辦WPGA(The Worldwide Photography Gala Awards)攝影大賽,從數以萬計專業或業餘攝影師中挑選出年度傑出攝影師,以及人道紀錄攝影大奬。而今天我們所看到的”雨中即景”作品,即是出自於去年在藝術和抽象兩類別獲獎的Navid Baraty之手,現在就一同來欣賞吧。

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Category: LifeStyle生活, 攝Photo

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