香港茶餐廳 Hong Kong Cafe
洛杉磯 美食推薦 香港小吃
香港茶餐廳 Hong Kong Cafe
162 West Garvey Ave., Monterey Park, CA 91754
想念香港道地的街頭茶餐廳的氣氛和餐飲嗎? 在Monterey Park..Garvey 上有一間開了超久的一家餐廳,他的名字就叫香港茶餐廳。店面不大,裡面差不多就十來張桌子,裝潢雖說不上豪華氣派,是小巧玲瓏,乾乾淨淨,很有香港的味道。所以人潮多的時候真的有像在香港一樣..人多又擠
If you want to experience eating street style delicacy of Local Hong Kong Cuisine, you don’t really need to travel to Hong Kong, there is a small shop in Monterey Park that resembles that of a Typical Hong Kong Cafe! The interior has around 10-12 table, very compact seating..ehhe….but overall its very organized and clean. But during the lunch rush hour the place can be PACKED exactly like Hong Kong.
來這裡一定要叫一份香軟波蘿油,外皮熱酥酥的波蘿麵包裡夾著奶油,非常好吃啊!不過夠份量,大概吃一個就飽了,所以建議大家分著享用囉~If you come here, you have to order a Hot Steaming Famous HK Po-Lo Bao… its fresh off oven..served with a butter, its really awesome
還有另外一個推薦就是路邊蒸腸粉,把它沾著辣椒醬一起吃,有白芝麻的香味,也有辣椒辛辣的口感,實在好味道耶!Another is HK Style Rice Cake Noodle, dip it in spicy sauce, it has white sesame flavor, and has a little of mustard taste, its just an delicacy.
說到超值套餐,可以介紹幾樣比較Special 的…
洋蔥豬扒飯,份量超級大塊,豬排是先沾粉炸過一次,讓他有酥脆的口感,然後在淋上熱呼呼的洋蔥醬汁,配白飯非常好吃。The meal portion is quite large, on almost every type of food, the rice plate, noodle, fried rice, and chow mein. The one that I like the most is the Pork Chop with Onion Sauce. They kind of deep fried the pork chop at first so its more crispy, and then pour on the onion sauce, on top, served that with Steamed Rice, wow..its yummy!
栗米滑雞肉飯,用像濃玉米湯Sauce加上川燙過的雞肉做出濃稠的醬汁淋在白飯上,非常好吃喔! 另一項比較特別的是他們都有送老火湯..每一次去都沒有失望過..真的很香甜,入味。
Category: Restaurants 美食推薦餐廳, 區Monterey Park, 菜Chinese