藝Art: 美國藝術家Alexa Meade 似人似畫的驚人藝術
Alexa Meade is a 23-year-old artist based in the Washington, DC area. She spent four summers interning on Capitol Hill and in 2008 was a press staffer on the Obama Campaign. After graduating from Vassar College with a degree in Political Science in May 2009, Alexa decided to pursue her passion for art. Her political past has taught her that what one experiences cannot always be interpreted at face value; seeing is not necessarily believing.
來自美國華盛頓年僅23歲的年輕藝術家Alexa Meade,花了四年時間裡在美國國會實習,並在2008年參與美國總統歐巴馬的競選活動,2009年5月畢業於瓦薩學院 Vassar College 政治學系,但卻決定追求她的藝術夢想,作品以結合人體彩繪等藝術,融合油畫般的筆觸特性於真實人體以及場景之中,呈現出相當驚奇的視覺效果,令人驚嘆。
Category: Art Design, 藝Art