PROMO with Us 廣告與專訪服務

Hi, if you are interested in advertising with us, please email us at or drop us a line at our Facebook and our marketing team will contact you ASAP, and provide you with all the information.

If you are interested in doing a Promotion Interview and be on our WacowLA Features, please email us at and put Interview on the subject, and we can set up an appointment with you. Thank you!

若是各行各業的朋友有任何問題或想瞭解我們的網上廣告資訊,可以Email 到: 或著到我們 Facebook 留言,廣告宣傳部的同事會盡快回覆您!

假如您想參與我們的專訪和加入我們訂期的宣傳方案,請 Email 到 請在信件主旨上註明 Interview, 我們會盡快連絡與您約專訪日期,謝謝!

【WaCow GO Support 客服中心】


If you are interested in advertising with us, please email us at or drop us a line at our Facebook Fan page and our marketing team will contact you ASAP, and provide you with all the information.

若是各行各業的朋友有任何問題或想瞭解我們的網上廣告資訊,可以Email 到: 或著到我們 Facebook 留言,廣告宣傳部的同事會盡快回覆您!


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